Cobra Kai

May 2, 2018 was when Cobra Kai came out on Netflix where Johnny Lawrence rebuilt Cobra Kai.

Last time he was in Cobra kai was in 1989 but later he quit and returned in 2018 to remake Cobra Kai. Someone hit his car and had to be fixed but it was Daniel LaRusso car dealership and he was mad because it was his old enemy. This takes place in Encino California. Johnny rebuilds the dojo in a street mall. His first student is Miguel. He gets bullied in school and he wants to fight back, so he goes to the cobra kai dojo and trains everyday. Then it was Halloween and Johnny said to be a skeleton then he went into the locker room and his bullies beat him up and then Johnny found Miguel on the ground he brought Miguel to his house and his mom said never train my son again and Johnny respected that. The next day Johnny came back to Miguel’s house and told his mom that Miguel hadn’t given up on Johnny, and Johnny wasn’t going to give up on him. Later Miguel’s mom said yes to Miguel going to train. He got better and finally beat his bullies and stood up for a girl named Sam LaRusso other people joined then other people left. There was a boy named Eli and he got bullied too. They made fun of him because he has a scar on his lip he wanted to Cobra Kai and then Johnny was talking about his lip then he left when he came back he changed himself he got a blue mohawk, and Johnny called him hawk. Then he got a tattoo of a hawk on his back. 

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By Zadeh

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