Buddies at Los Encinos School

At Los Encinos School every year the 6th graders get kindergarten buddies and the fifth graders get 1st grade buddies. You get your buddy sometime in September. We have buddies because you get to show your buddies around the school. You also get to play with them and help them adapt to the school. The buddies get paired based on their personalities. You can either have 1 or 2 buddies. Other people can play with your buddy it’s not just restricted for you. You can’t pick your buddy the teachers pick them for you because they know your personality. We have a buddy because we can help them transition into the school. Girls are usually paired up with girls and boys are paired up with boys. You usually get to play with your buddy at least once a month besides recess and lunch.  This is why we have buddies. This was written by Alexandra..

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