Tectonic Plates !!

Tectonic plates are always, moving but the question is what they are and why they are always are moving. To answer that we asked the science teacher Mrs. Paige. She said that tectonic plates are large masses of land or the earth’s crust that are moved from uprisings of magma which continually moves the plates. Because the magma is always moving so are the plates. Even though they are only moving centimeters a year over time they can be very noticeable.

There are three main types of plate boundaries. The first plate boundary is when two tectonic plates collide and over time they form a mouton or one goes under well the other goes on top, this is called a convergent plate boundary. The second plate boundary happens when two plates pull apart this causes more crust to pull apart this is called a divergent plate boundary. The final plate boundary happens when two plates pull apart this is called a transform plate boundary. These are the plate boundaries.

Image result for tectonic plates

By, Jack Carpinello

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