Kids Eat ALOT

Kids all around the world have been eating sleeping and repeating with no physical activity. Children and teens spend more than 7 hours per day on average using TVs, computers, phones, and other electronic devices for entertainment. About 1 out of 3 children are either overweight or obese in the United States.

Overweight teens have a 70% chance of becoming overweight or obese when they are adults. We have to find a way to end that and help them exercise in a FUN way. What I was thinking of was a game like Wii sports but for the common consoles such as PlayStation, and Xbox. That would hopefully convince them because we all know what kids love, Video games. This game should consist of sword fighting, boxing, tennis, ext. this is not the only way though. We can also change up their diet. We can provide kids with USDA approved organic foods to keep them healthy and fit. Most people think healthier food is more expensive, which it is. But it’s obvious that fast food does not fill you up like healthy food does. Let’s say you go to a taco bell and get a burrito. In about 45 minutes to an hour you’ll be hungry again and to top that off, there are also more CALORIES in the burrito from taco bell. The first thing you’ll probably say to yourself is “I already had a big meal” but you didn’t have a quality meal. It’s about a balance of fruits, carbohydrates, vegetables, and protein. If you consume all of these you will find yourself full. Not a stuffy feeling fat full but a satisfied full. What most people do is they might overdose on the carbs. At first you’re full when you have just carbs but then you’ll see that you’re hungry again 30 minutes later. So a bowl of cereal is not what I call a breakfast. Eggs with sausage, toast and fruit on the side is what I call a breakfast. Personally, protein fills me up more than carbs, but some people might be different. What kids these days are doing is sitting on the couch eating chips (carbohydrate) on their couch. They find themselves chowing down a 15 ounce party size bag of Doritos. 


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